LAW CHAT | Emily Bastedo

Embracing Your Authentic Self as an Influencer


Our guest today is a cyber genius by the day and a fashionista all the time. She’s bringing plus size positivity on Law Chat’s mic!

Our guest today is a cyber genius by the day and a fashionista all the time. She's bringing plus size positivity on Law Chat's mic! In today's Law Chat episo...

Episode Introduction: 

In today’s Law Chat episode, we are accompanied by Emily Bastedo. Emily is a cybersecurity analyst and a fashion blogger. She shares with us the major challenges she’s had to face as a plus size influencer as well as her moments that have disrupted the plus size influencer industry completely.

Episode Summary: 

Emily Bastedo walks us through her love of all things fashion, her body positivity and her journey is becoming a plus size fashion influencer. She shares fun incidents from her life, some scary threats she got online, her top advice for budding influencers and her behind the scenes struggles with our listeners.

Main Takeaways:

Learn to ask for help when you need it. Even if you can, it’s okay not to do everything by yourself.

  • Instead of overwhelming yourself with multiple content types and platforms, find the area you want to focus on and only concentrate on producing relevant content.

  • Emily’s top advices to conquer your industry are:

  1. You have to be ready to put yourself out there, to have the vulnerability to say that I’m going for this.

  2. In everything you do, there’s going to be people who don’t agree with you or don’t support you, learn that it’s okay for that to happen.

  3. Find a group of people who want you to succeed and support yourself with them.

  • Emily’s top tip to be secured while making online transactions:

  1. Prefer using a credit card instead of a debit card.

  2. Make it a habit to review your credit card statement on a weekly or bi-weekly basis depending on your usage.

  3. Have a strong password for your crucial accounts.

Fun Facts About EMILY: 

  • Her favorite book is One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London

  • Her favorite blog is Covering The Bases.

  • Her favorite business tools are Lightroom, Tailwind and Google Sheets.




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